Issue 8: Week 8, Term 1 2024
Principal's Message - Karere a te Tumuaki
Kia ora Karaka whānau - what a busy week it has been!
We have enjoyed a whole raft of exciting EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom) experiences in the past 7 days - and today topped it off with a trip to Polyfest on its 49th anniversary since it began in South Auckland with our 2024 Cultural Leaders, Mrs Collie and myself. (Disclaimer - I am in fact writing this one parapgraph to insert now on Tuesday night, knowing I'll be tired from the excitement of the stage performances, the school programme workshops, the delicious cultural food stalls, and the number of steps it takes to get around the entire Polyfest by the end of tomorrow!!).
Last Thursday kicked off the EOTC adventures with the Yr 5&6 Football Funday at my own family's stomping ground - McLennan Park. The students had an awesome time (despite the rain), and if it excited a few more children about the prospect of playing football, then the aim of the day was achieved. Thank you to the parent helpers who went along to help Mr Dyer and Miss Agate to referee and manage the teams.
Last Friday we had our Junior Beach Trip planned for Kotare, Tui and Ruru classes. Thank goodness Miss Ballard had the foresight to postpone until yesterday as the weather was just perfect. I was lucky enough to accompany Miss Ballard, Ms Sylva and Miss V (along with our fabulous Teacher Aides and parent helpers) on the trip, and we had a fabulous day digging in the sand, searching for crabs and doing scavenger hunts out at Clarks Beach (as you can see in my photo above).
Yesterday we also had 26 students from our Senior Team (mostly Yr 5&6) enjoy the 'Eye on Nature' day at the Botanical Gardens. Mrs Christensen and Mrs Vorster had an awesome day with their Enviro Leaders, along with some other students who have an interest for learning about and protecting our native bush. I also heard they got their steps up with all their exercise walking around The Botanical Gardens - well done to all of you (parents included!).
My last few notices are to do with PTA news:
- Our annual AGM is tonight in the Staffroom at 7pm - all are welcome!
- This Thursday will be the last day to order Winner Winner lunches through school. We would like to thank Winner Winner for providing this service to the school for the past two terms and for offering an exciting alternative for our students in terms of hot lunches. Winner Winner has also donated 10% of their profits from these school lunch orders back to the PTA which we are really grateful for.
- Sushi Fridays will continue, and the PTA are also currently looking into a Subway option - watch this space.
And on that note, we hope to see as many of you at the PTA AGM tonight as possible 😊
Ngā mihi nui,
Anna Powrie
Celebrating Learning and Achievement
Daniel P represented the Counties Swimming team at the Auckland Champs on Wednesday in Henderson, at the West Wave Pool and Leisure. He competed against the best of the best in the Auckland region in 50m Breaststroke. This is an outstanding achievement to make it this far - ka pai Daniel for your awesome achievement.
Check out this beautiful pepeha artwork the Yr 5&6 students have worked hard on in Pepeketua this term with Mrs Redshaw:
Notices From the Office
Photolife Class, Individual and Sibling Photos
Photolife will be coming on Monday 8th April. They will be taking class, individual and sibling photos. We will be using the online ordering system again this year.
If you wish to have a Sibling photo taken, please call into the office to pick up a Sibling Photo Request form - sibling photos will not be taken unless this form is signed.
Easter Holidays - School Closed for Instruction:
Good Friday (March 29th)
Easter Monday (April 1st)
Easter Tuesday (April 2nd)
Lucky Book Club – Scholastic Orders
The Issue 2 catalogue has been sent home. Orders are due by next Monday - March 25.
You can place orders via the Book Clubs Loop App available to download here:
PTA News
Any questions/fundraising ideas or if you require uniform items urgently, you can email us on
The Karaka School PTA account number is 12-3031-0851231-00
Sports Camp 2024
Would your business like to be one of this year's sponsors for our Intermediate 2024 Sports Camp team?
Every year in Term 2, Karaka School take between 36 to 40 Intermediate students to Sports Camp to compete in up to 40 different sports, against other schools for cups.
Your name would appear on the back of their Sports Camp hoodie, which then becomes part of the Karaka School uniform for the rest of the year, along with regular recognition in the Karaka School Newsletter.
Please email Kim Sutton if you are interested for your business to be a sponsor in 2024