Issue 5: Week 5, Term 1 2024
Principal's Message - Karere a te Tumuaki
Kia ora koutou and welcome to our newsletter issue for Week 5.
The highlight of the past week was our School Swimming Sports which was held at the Franklin Recreation Centre last Thurday. A big shout out to Mrs Sutton for her organisation of the event, as well as all the teachers and parents who helped out on the day to ensure it ran smoothly. Congratulations to all our swimmers who have qualified for ECCS this coming Friday (if you get a chance, head down to Massey Park Pools in Papakura for practise in the outdoor pool). I have to admit though, my highlight of the day was watching our teacher relay teams beat the Year 7&8 student teams. I haven't been to many school swimming sports where 8 staff members have been willing to jump in and race against the students. Even more daunting when I know how good our students are too! A special thanks to Mr Dyer for arriving at the pools just in time to tag me out of the race..... 😅
Next Wednesday (March 6th) we have our Learner Led Conferences. If you haven't done so already, please make sure you book your slot (or connect with your child's teacher to make a time on another day if you aren't able to make it next Wednedsday). We will be finishing at 12:30pm that day, and we would really appreciate it if most students are able to be collected on time. Teachers will all be engaged in conferences from 1pm-7:30pm meaning Mr Dyer, myself and some of our amazing Teacher Aides are on hand to supervise those not able to be picked up - but we would really appreciate it if the group to supervise isn't a big one.
Please also note that children not collected at 12:30pm will be supervised either in the Hall or on the bottom flat. For those collecting students between 12:30-2:45pm, you will need to ensure you have enough time to come and locate/collect your child before heading to your Interview at the classroom. We don't want the office to be calling for students over the speaker and interrupting conferences that are in progress in the classrooms. Therefore, you will need to head to the hall/bottom flat to collect your child as they will not be called to the office.
And that's it from me this week - enjoy the sunshine now the rain has disappeared once again ☀️
2024-2025 Strategic Plan
Last year you will remember we sent out surveys and held various hui to gather feedback for our next two year cycle of strategic planning. We also spent a lot of time surveying and speaking to our students and staff, as well as other community stakeholders (ECE, Karaka Sports Park etc). At the end of last year, our Board and Leadership spent a really valuable evening going through all of the information gathered throughout the consultation process, looking for key themes to pull together. From this, we were able to pull out three key goals to help move our school forward together. These three key goals are broken down in this one page overview which will be sent through to the Ministry and loaded on our website. A more extensive document outlining each of the key goals in more detail, as well as links to the relevant resources and documents, will also be located on our website for those who would like to delve a bit deeper.
The next step is for our Leadership Team to put together our 2024 Annual Plan, which will further break down specific actions to be undertaken this year, and looking to what might become the focus for 2025 (knowing that what is outlined below will span the next two years). The Annual Plan is due to to be sent through to the Ministry by March 31st, at which point I will share it via our newletter and website as well.
Celebrating Learning and Achievement
Last Friday we announced our Student Leadership roles at Assembly. Congratulations to all those learners who were successful in being appointed into a leadership position for 2024 - and thank you to everyone who put themselves forwards to apply. It was not an easy process to allocate these responsibilities as the calibre of Karaka Learners is extremely high!
A special congratulations to our Head and Deputy Head Students:
Head Girl - Aliyah M
Head Boy - Tom P
Deputy Head Students - Olivia P and Grace M
In next week's newsletter, we will include the names and roles of all our student leaders for this year.
My New Gallery
Assembly Achievements 23rd February 2024
Notices From the Office
Learner Led Conferences 6th March
School will finish at 12.30pm. While supervision will be provided at school for those who are unable to collect their children from school early, we would appreciate those who are able to collect them. Bus children will also be able to catch the bus as per usual.
Go to
Click on Make a Booking
Enter in this code: q22tj
Roll Return Day - 1st March
If your child is absent on this day, can the office be provided with a note (either via email, Hero, written or through the Website).
This happens twice a year and is a Ministry requirement.
Police Vetting
Please remember that if you wish to help out in the class room, go on a trip, help on camp etc that you must be police vetted. Please call into the office to pick up a form to do this and there is also a $10.00 charge for this service.
Photolife Class, Individual and Sibling Photos
Photolife will be coming on Monday 8th April. They will be taking class, individual and sibling photos. We will be using the online ordering system again this year.
Updating School Records and Details
Update forms will be coming home this week. If you have any change of details, please note these on the forms and return the form to the office or to your class teacher.
PTA News
Sushi Fridays - starting this Friday
Starting this Friday the 1st March for every Friday.
Order online by 9.00am Friday mornings.
Cupcake Sales 6th March
Our Intermediate Students are keen to earn their community service hours for the William Pike Challenge by helping the PTA make and sell cupcakes at the Leaner Led Conferences next Wednesday, 6th March from 12:30-4:30pm.
The following items are being sold:Cupcakes - chocolate and vanilla $2
Fizzy canned drinks - $2.00 for Jelly tips and $2.00 for Choc bars
Order on Kindo or bring cash on the day.
Updates from the Wider Community
AA Insurance are giving away $10,000 sports grants to two lucky schools. Please click on the link below & vote for Karaka School. This would be an amazing prize to win!