Issue 38: Week 8, Term 4 2024
Principal's Message - Karere a te Tumuaki
Kia ora and welcome to the last edition of the newsletter for 2024. Next week is the final week of the school year and any relevant memos will be sent out to you via HERO. You can always contact the school office if you have any questions about our end of year events.
I won't spend a long time writing heartfelt memoirs about the year right now - I have saved that for my page in the Karaka School Yearbook which, thanks to the Bowkett family, every student will receive their own printed copy free of charge next week. I will say that I am really enjoying the Christmas spirit at school now that December has begun and Santa's mailbox is back outside the Hall foyer for Xmas card deliveries. This year we please ask that no treats or candy canes be included with the Xmas cards - it can cause issues in class and also adds to the unnecessary sugar high during the school day (if we find them included they will be held at the office and 'returned to sender').
The highlight of this week has to be Karaka's Got Talent which we held in the Hall yesterday morning. With a variety of talents on show, from music and dance to gymnastics, it truly was a special experience to see each and everyone of those brave students shine in front of the entire school. A huge thank you to Mr Dyer for all his efforts into organising this popular event, and for entertaining us with his own vocal prowess! And I'm sure the Staff item was a hit - I know we enjoyed shaking our staff meetings up with a little dance practice thrown in here and there these past couple of weeks!
Looking ahead to 2025, on Tuesday 4th February we are holding a Parent Curriculum Evening combined with 'Meet the Teacher' sessions. This will be held from 3pm-6:30pm with one whole school session in the Hall from 4:30-5:00pm and team Sessions/time to mingle and meet either side. So, for those wanting to stay after school, do your team session(s), come to the whole school update and head home that works. It also offers families that chance to come for 4:30pm, listen to the updates, head to your team session(s) and spend some time mingling with your child's new teachers and other families. We will be putting on a free sausage sizzle to entice those with hungry tummies right on and around dinner time as well. For now, please book this date in, as with all the changes to the national curriculum, it will be really important for people to feel informed.
Lastly, school starts back on Thursday 30th of January 2025. And for the time in between school ending and the new year starting, I hope everyone enjoys the Christmas break with friends and loved ones in the sunshine!
Ngā mihi nui,
Anna Powrie
PS - Please get any last 'Beyond the Gate' achievements sent through by this Friday as our last edition for the year will be posted on HERO early next week.
Celebrating Learning and Achievement
Karaka's Got Talent
Congratulations to all our contestants, finalists and performers. We are incredibly proud of you.
First place - Sienna W and Kaitlyn B
Second place - Ruhaani S
Third place - Jena P and Elizabeth Cammock
Notes from the Office
Prize Giving
12th December 5.30pm
Full school uniform
Children will be sitting at the front of the Hall
Senior Kapa Haka performance
All welcome
Friday 13th December - School finishes at midday
School buses will be running at this time
Year 7 and 8 2025 Camp Fundraiser
Available this Week and Next Week ONLY
- $35 bunch of 5
Please email Kim Sutton if you'd like to buy a bunch of peonies:
- Your name
- Number of bunches you'd like
- When you'd like to receive them
- Please pay by eftpos in the office or into the Karaka School account
Thank you Nicky (Axel's Nana) for providing us with this fundraising opportunity.
Stationery for 2025
We will once again be using the OfficeMax online ordering for class stationery.
Stationery lists will be available shortly to view and order by going to
After 11th December, when you know your child's class for 2025, you will be able to order their stationery packs.
Office Max My School flyers have already been sent home. Check out their special deals - you could be in to win $1000 cash if you order before December 31st.
Accounts - We would appreciate payment of any outstanding accounts, especially where we have already paid funds to outside providers:
**Education Perfect **Mathletics **Camp **Bus **Stationery Consumables **Trips
Thanks very much
Start of Year Information
- The PTA Uniform shop will be open on Wednesday 29th January between 8.30am - 10.30am.
- The Office will be open on Wednesday 29th January between 8.30am - 12.00pm.
PTA News
Due to the Pizza/Iceblock/Dress Up day on Thursday, there will be no Frosty Friday this week.
Are you looking for a way to get involved with our amazing school in 2025? We need some more parents, family or friends to help us on the PTA! All are welcome! Email for more information.