Issue 32: Week 2, Term 4 2024
Principal's Message - Karere a te Tumuaki
Kia ora and welcome to this week's newsletter edition. I'm sure everyone is gearing up for the extra long weekend ahead. For those of you planning to head away, I hope you have a nice break and find the sunshine wherever you are. For those who are planning a quieter approach to Labour Weekend, I hope you find the time restful and enjoyable too.
Today we had four students represent Karaka at the Franklin Group Day - Aliyah M with her calf, and Nicola & Charli S and Rocco G with their lambs. We hope they had a lovely morning and we look forward to hearing how they got on. It's a real commitment to continue with your animals right over the school holidays and I want to acknowledge that effort and commitment (for their families too!).
On Monday this week we had our last Põwhiri for the year to welcome all our new students and their families to our Karaka school community. It is a special part of how we begin each term here at school and we are proud that it is fully led by our students. It was great to see some Year 7 students stepping up and getting ready to take over some of these key roles when they move into Year 8 next year. Thanks also to our PTA for their delicious home baking for the morning tea.
We have a lot on the go on the sporting front at the moment. You will have seen on HERO that yesterday four of our star tennis players competed at the Franklin Tennis tournament and did really well. Tomorrow our Year 7&8 Boys Volleyball Team is off to the Counties Tournament at Bruce Pulman (they had another training match against the staff before school on Tuesday so if they win we'll definitely say those sessions played a part in their tournament preparation!). And next week we kick off on Tuesday with the whole School running events on Tuesday and the Senior School field events and sprints on the Thursday. Make sure you bring along some cash to buy yourself a delicious Breakfast Bap and a cup of coffee to support our PTA fundraiser. While we're on the subject of fundraising and the PTA, in next week's edition I will include a detailed description of the purpose of the PTA and Ag Day Committee fundraising purposes, as well as a break down of what these funds have been spent on throughout the year. So watch this space.
Ngā mihi nui,
Anna Powrie
Celebrating Learning and Achievement
Correction from last week's newsletter - Congratulations to:
Pukeko - Principal Award was Carter S and Class Award was Sienna W
Notes from the Office
Athletics Day Bacon & Egg Baps - for sale Tuesday 29th October from 7:45-8:45am - anyone can purchase (kids included). Any child that purchases from 8:15am onwards will have their name put on a list, their bap sent to the Kokako kitchen and they will be able to collect it at 10am after Athletics.
Payment Reminders -
- Bus fees are due within the first two weeks of the term
- Have you remembered to pay for your fees / class trips / camps etc. Being Term 4 it would be great if all outstanding payments are made to clear everything up before the end of year. Please check your Kindo accounts to find all your financial details.
End of Year Trophies
We are starting to collect in all the trophies awarded at last year's prizegiving. Please can you return these to school by the 11th of November, undamaged and in a clean condition so we can get them ready for this year's event. Thanks
Sun hats
We are working hard to ensure our students are sun safe at break times. You can support us by ensuring your child has a sun hat and sunscreen applied every day. If the students do not have a hat they will be expected to play under our shade areas.
PTA News
- Calendar Art orders due tomorrow (Thursday). Please pay on Kindo and return order forms to the office.
- Next meeting - Wednesday 30th October 7pm in the staffroom. New faces always welcome!
- PTA Disco - Friday 15th November 6pm-8pm. Keep an eye out for more details coming soon!
Uniform Shop
- The uniform shop will be open on Tuesday 29th October due to Monday being Labour Day.
- House Shirts and hats are available to purchase. If you order through Kindo they will be delivered to your child's class.
Intermediate Uniforms 2025
We sent home this week to our Year 6 students who will be going into Year 7 next year, Intermediate uniform order forms. Please return these by Friday 8th November so we can place the orders in order to receive them back by the end of the year.