Issue 28: Week 8, Term 3 2024
Principal's Message - Karere a te Tumuaki
Kia ora - here we are in what can only be described as one of the busiest and most exciting weeks of our school calendar. There have been so many people pitching in to help with the setup for Ag Day so far, and we aren't even into the last few days yet. Thank you to everyone who has given their time and effort up to this point - and thanks in advance to those who are taking time off work on Friday to come in and help too.
A special thanks to Richard Mansell and Chris Guy who came in at the weekend to move our new giant planter boxes. Mr Dyer has been in charge of the property project outside Kōkako space, and despite the two-way bench seating not being delivered until October, it has all come together beautifully in time for Ag Day thanks to his hard work behind the scenes. Nathaniel Goodwin has also helped us out by concreting the new patio space by Pateke and Pukeko, all ready for a nice picnic table to go on top. You may have also noticed Mr Good's hard work on the picket fence being erected outside Ruru and Tui - he's also hoping to have this done before Ag Day and we are really grateful that he is keen to take on these projects for us (and save us some money in the process). He's a 1 in a million caretaker and we appreciate him too!
Yesterday, the highlight for me was seeing all the amazing growing and construction projects coming into the Hall. Put simply, I was blown away by the effort and the creativity that has gone into them. The smile on my face was hard to hide, and the pride from the kids was just as palpable. I can't wait to get to Saturday when I can finally meet all of the animals I've heard so much about over the past term. I appreciate how much hard work and love that has gone into rearing these babies for Ag Day.
Today it was great to see all the weird and wonderful hairstyles at school this morning to support 'Wig Wednesday' for the Child Cancer Foundation. And with Farm Dress Up Day on Friday, I feel there wasn't much more we could have packed into this week had we tried! Remember to get your Karaka Kash and Fun Zone wristbands for Ag Day on Kindo before the cutoff at midnight tonight, otherwise you'll have to brave the queues on the actual day to purchase these.
Ngā mihi,
Anna Powrie
Agricultural Day
Celebrating Learning and Achievement
Assembly and Learn Awards from 6th September
Notes from the Office
A final Ag Day checklist is coming home to you on coloured paper - please read carefully for all the latest updates and information that you will need for Saturday.
Where's Daisy - Please urgently return your Where's Daisy raffle butts and money to the office tomorrow or alternatively if you haven't sold them, can you please return the books so they can be on sold on the day.
Enviro Group News
We are being supported by Oke to build an outdoor classroom!
Please support their fundraising efforts through one good kiwi this month as our school will benefit.
Click on the QR code on the poster to get online and support them supporting us for free!