Issue 22: Week 2, Term 3 2024
Principal's Message - Karere a te Tumuaki
Kia ora koutou and welcome to the newsletter edition for Week 2 of Term 3. I'm sure the whole country is thrilled that NZ has their first Olympic medal on the medal tally. Congratulations to our New Zealand women’s rugby sevens team who have retained their olympic title by defeating Canada this morning, and are officially back to back champions. We're also looking in with a good chance in the rowing at the moment - very exciting!
On Monday, I was lucky enough to accompany the Middle Team on their trip to the Guy family's farm (such a shame the weather didn't play ball for the Junior Team yesterday). We had an awesome time learning about the different machinery in the milking shed - but the highlight was the brand new baby calf born shortly before our visit with it's wobbly legs being licked clean by it's mother. Pretty special!
Looking ahead to next year, I can now confirm our 2025 term dates. Each year there are a certain number of half days required for schools to be open. This year, the Easter and ANZAC public holidays fell during term time which pushed the 2024 end date out to Friday 13th December. Next year, both of these holidays fall in the Term 1 Holiday period, meaning if we start back straight after Anniversary Weekend we will finish too early (Wed 10th December). So we have opted for a Thursday start for our students to enable two short weeks (Waitangi falls in Week 2) prior to our Intermediates heading off to camp in Week 3. You can see a full break down of the term dates, including term breaks and public holidays in the image below.
- 2025 Start Date for students - Thursday 30th January
- 2025 End Date for students - Friday 12th December
In Week 4 of this term (Thursday 15th of August) we are holding our next round of 3 Way Conferences (3 Way being Teacher-Parent-Student). The booking slots for this will open up on Monday and will be booked directly via the HERO app. Below you will see a screenshot of where to go via the app to book your slot on your phone or computer. If you need some help to book your time slot, all teachers will have access to their own class booking system and are able to help you with this. Alternatively, you can contact Mrs Fell in the office. Please note that school will end at 12:30pm on that day and it would be really appreciated if you are able to collect your child early. We will be providing supervision for those who are unable to be collected or need to catch the bus at the normal time, but it will not be regular classroom instruction (and with the unpredictable weather it could mean a lot of students in the Hall). Schools are required to hold face to face interviews with parents/caregivers twice yearly, and closing the school early is a part of enabling this process to run smoothly for all involved.
And that's all from me - looking forward to seeing everyone dressed up in their Mid Winter Christmas clothes tomorrow to support our Year 5&6 camp fundraiser.
Ngā mihi nui,
Anna Powrie
Agricultural Day
Celebrating Learning and Achievement
Mid Winter Christmas Mufti Day tomorrow
- Gold coin donation
Notes from the Office
Term 3 Illness and Medication
- A reminder that at this time of year there are lots of bugs about. To help stop the spread, please keep your child home if they are unwell and ensure 24 hours have passed before sending your child to school after a stomach upset.
- Please be aware that all medication administered to a child must be brought to the office in the first instance. Medication must not be taken to the classroom or put in your child’s lunchbox. A signed request/medical form must be provided before medication will be administered by staff. Please call into the office to sign this form. A full copy of the Medication Policy can be found on the School docs website: Enter the username (karaka) and password (school) - Follow the link to the relevant policy.
- Hand washing is the simplest and most effective means to prevent, control and reduce infection. This includes colds, influenza and stomach bugs. Hands need to be washed and dried properly. Wet hands transfer bacteria more readily than dry hands which have not been washed at all
Many parents are asking about accessing the Hero app for their top ups. Please see the link below from Kindo which may be of help. Also please make sure once you have topped up your account that you then put the item you are wishing to pay for into your cart and then follow the prompts to purchase. Some are missing this last step.