Issue 12: Week 2, Term 2 2024
Principal's Message - Karere a te Tumuaki
Kia ora Karaka friends and whānau. This week is NZ Sign Langauge Week and students have been learning a bit about this in class. They have had fun learning to sign their names as well as the signs for simple words and phrases such as hello and thank you. Take a moment to see if your child can share some of this with you - I'm sure they'd be excited to share.
On Monday we had our Term 2 Pōwhiri to welcome our newest learners and their families, new staff (Mrs Hitchcock) and our two new Student Teachers (Mr McBain in Pukeko and Mr Lamont in Pepeketua). Thank you to those who were able to come along, and a special thank you to our wonderful PTA who provided the yummy food and baking for our shared Morning Tea.
Policy Review:
In Term 2 we are reviewing topics in the Employer Responsibility Policy section on our School Docs website. You are welcome to partake in this review. Simply follow this link, Username is karaka and the Password is school, click on the 'Current Review' tab and then click on the policy you want to review. Any feedback will be shared and discussed at Board level which is where any policy changes must be ratified.
Next Friday we celebrate Pink Shirt Day across NZ. We encourage all our students to come to school in pink and to bring a gold coin to contribute to this worthy cause. By taking part in Pink Shirt Day 2024, you will be doing your part to eliminate bullying by celebrating diversity and promoting kindness and inclusion. We are starting the day with our special Pink Breakfast and our amazing staff will be providing and cooking this delicious breakfast for those who come along bright and early. Tickets for this are available for purchase on Kindo.
Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!
That's it from me for this week - don't forget tomorrow is our PJ/Onesie Mufti Day (I know I'm looking forward to wearing mine to school tomorrow too!).
Nga mihi nui
Anna Powrie
Welcome to Karaka School
- Meadow O
- Jessika S
Notices From the Office
Ag Day - Saturday 14th September
- The first Ag Day meeting was held last night. Thank you to those who attended. Congratulations to Sarah Sutherland - Chairperson and Katey Pope - Secretary.
- Entry form and Information Booklet—the office and committee are currently working on producing a booklet with all the information you may need to know e.g. animal care, projects, stall information. We hope to have this out in a couple of weeks.
- Ag Day Information Evening - Thursday 6th June at 7.00pm. Come along to hear information on how to obtain and rear animals and review details in the aboveforementioned Information Booklet.
- Animals—children are given the opportunity over preceding months to rear, train and prepare calves, lambs, goats and chickens. Lambs and goats do not have any set dates to be born, however, they must be this seasons. Calves must be born between 1st June and 31st August. Chickens are to be ordered through the school. More information will be in the information booklet.
- Projects—all children who are not able to rear an animal are required to complete a Growing or Construction/Art project. Information about these will be in the booklet.
- Sponsorship—do you have a contact within a business? Each year Ag Day is generously supported by businesses and the school community. We would love to hear from anyone with contacts who may be able to support us in some way.
- Next Meeting - 17th June 7.00pm.
- Trophies - if you received a trophy last year, please can you polish it up and return to the office. You get to keep the miniature you were awarded last year.
Enrolments for 2025
Whether you are in zone or out of zone, it’s always great for us to know your intentions for the following year. Out of zone enrolment applications close on Tuesday 15th October, with a ballot date set for Wednesday 23rd October. Enrolment applications are now online through our website.
PhotoLife Studios
You should have received by now an email direct from PhotoLife with your unique code to order. If you have not received this, please contact the School as we have a list of the codes.
Free Delivery expires Midnight Sunday 19th May.
Please remember that there are a number of ways to report an absence:
- On our absentee line
- Via the absentee link on our Website or through HERO
- Emailing the office -
- Emailing the teacher
- Calling into the office or getting a sibling to report the absence
This is a Health and Safety requirement.
PTA News
- Thank you to all our families, extended families and friends for purchasing from our Oxford pies and samosa fundraiser. These were all distributed out yesterday! Thank you to our lovely helpers that sorted these all out.
- The Karaka School PTA ‘Mid Winter Christmas’ Quiz night 8th June! Tickets will be available for purchase as of Thursday, 9th of May on Kindo so get your teams of 10 together! It’s going to be an awesome night!
- Sushi - continues as normal for Fridays
Any questions/fundraising ideas or if you require uniform items urgently, you can email us on
The Karaka School PTA account number is 12-3031-0851231-00