Issue 10: Week 11, Term 1 2024
Principal's Message - Karere a te Tumuaki
Kia ora Karaka friends and whānau.
I can't believe we're in the last week of Term 1 - I feel like it wasn't that long ago we were all gearing up to come back to school for 2024. This week marks a special week in my family as my Mum retires from 12 years of Principalship (and almost 47 years in education) at Otaua School in Waiuku. This morning our family attended her Farewell Assembly which was really special. The irony of her retiring from her role as Principal just as I come to the end of my very first year is not lost on me either. I am really proud of my Mum and while she is sad to say goodbye to the school that has been so precious to her all these years, she deserves to take it easy and enjoy her retirement now. Although admittedly, we're all counting the number of days it takes before Otaua School ropes her into coming back as a reliever for them. Who knows, I may be able to persuade her to help us out here at Karaka in the future......!
Last week we had the auditors on site to go through our 2023 financials with a fine tooth comb. Being my first time going through this process, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. What I did see from the get go was how efficient Mrs Withers was in preparation for our annual audit and I want to thank her immensely for all her hard work. The verbal feedback last Wednesday was that we are in a really sound financial position with robust processes and checks in place. Another reason to feel extremely grateful to work with such fantastic people.
On Monday we had PhotoLife here to take class, individual, sibling and group photos and the entire process ran really smoothly. Keep an eye on your emails over the coming weeks as PhotoLife will be contacting you directly to advise you on how you will be able to view and purchase your child's photos. There are a few other important dates to remember coming up:
- ANZAC Assembly this Friday at 10.00am in the Hall
- Term 2 Pōwhiri - Monday Week 2 (6th May)
- Teacher Only Day - Friday Week 5 (31st May)
Yesterday, 30 of our students had the opportunity to attend a show by the Manukau Symphony Orchestra at the Due Drop Events Centre. It was a wonderful chance to expose our students with an interest in the orchestra to this kind of experience. Something really special was that one of our parents was performing in the orchestra yesterday which added to the excitement (no doubt for her daughter too). Susie Cato was also part of the show. Those of you who enjoyed watching Susie Cato on TV like I used to, will laugh when I tell you when I was younger I wanted to grow and do her job! Thank you to Hayley Govorko and Portia O'Kane who organised this unique experience as part of their role on the Board as our Cultural Delegates.
One last thing to update you on is that in response to the government's stance on 'phones away for the day', schools have had to write a policy on use of mobile phones and devices (inclusing smartwatches with cellular functions). Not much will change for us (we have never allowed phones in classes or bags anyway), although there have been a few tweaks and it is timely to remind ourselves of what our school policy is. Here is the link to our school policy if parents would like to read it (Username: karaka and Password: school) -
Nga mihi nui
Anna Powrie
Welcome to the Karaka School Whanau -
- Aurora W
Celebrating Learning and Achievement
Last Friday we had 8 students represent our school at the Orienteering Sustainability Challenge at Ambury Park. They did an amazing job and had a blast completing the challenges which included undergroud caves, making butter, and reading a very complicated map! Ka pai to our two teams (Year 7&8 - Lucy E, Ella H, Ella S & Indie P; Year 5&6 - Charlotte T, Charli R, Emily P & Ruby H). And a special thanks to Lisa Tate and Renee Parlane for transporting the girls and shadowing the two teams on the day.
Assembly Certificates
Notices From the Office
Ag Day - Saturday 14th September
Ag Day Meeting— Dad’s and Mum’s, are you looking for a way to get involved in your school? Come along to our first Ag Day meeting Tuesday 7th May 7.00pm in the staffroom. All new families welcome, along with all your wonderful ideas and skills. WE NEED YOUR HELP!! You can contact the office if you have any queries.
PTA News
- Tuck Shop - last day to purchase items from the Tuck Shop will be on Friday.
- PTA Meeting - Wednesday 1st May 7.00pm in the Staffroom
- Quiz Night 2024 - The Karaka School PTA are busy organizing our Quiz night. We are having a meeting on Tuesday 17th April @ Urban Soul Karaka at 5.30pm. If you would love to be involved please come along!
Any questions/fundraising ideas or if you require uniform items urgently, you can email us on
The Karaka School PTA account number is 12-3031-0851231-00
Updates from the Wider Community
One bedroom unit for rent on 2 acres, 4 kms from motorway, Walters Road Karaka. Available from 27/04/24, $450.00 per week. Phone 021 955747