Issue 8: Week 9, Term 1 2025
Principal's Message - Karere a te Tumuaki

Kia ora e te whānau,
I hope this pānui finds you all well and enjoying the sunshine when it pops through despite the chilly mornings at the Flagpole!
I really enjoyed watching the All Whites qualifying game for the World Cup on Monday night — such an exciting match (although a little bit nail biting until those first couple of goals were scored!). It was a little bit extra special for me personally, as I actually taught Sarpreet Singh when he was at Everglade School back in 2009. It’s always such a proud moment seeing our tamariki go on to do incredible things.
Back at school at the moment, we’re buzzing with excitement as the Peter Pan production draws near. We’ve recently done a full check of the hall’s capacity and had a trial with seating. We are thrilled to let you know that we’ll be able to sell 300 tickets per show — so there will be plenty of room for whānau to come along and support. Mr. Dyer, the cast, the teachers and everyone involved are working incredibly hard. The children are putting in great effort with their dances (as you can see in this week's picture), and we know lots of people are currently busy sorting out costumes. A special thanks to Mrs Noakes and Stewart Dance Studios for lending us the amazing costumes for our cast of main characters — ngā mihi nui to you all! We’re also super excited to have an ex-parent lending a hand with projecting backgrounds using a short-range projector. Even better — the images for all the backgrounds were created by us using AI (meaning no copyright issues), so we’re feeling quite proud of our creativity and teamwork.
At lunchtime today, Mrs Christensen and I are looking forward to taking our Year 5–6 Flipperball team to Te Hihi School for a match at 1pm. For those who aren’t familiar, Flipperball is a fun version of water polo played above the water. It should be a great game and an awesome opportunity for our ākonga to shine. We also look forward to Te Hihi bringing some children up to ours for a football match next term - nothing like a little local inter-school rivalry!
Lastly, we’re all looking ahead to Friday’s dress-up pizza fundraiser day for the Year 5–6 camp — always a highlight and a wonderful way to bring our school whānau together.
Hope you all have a fantastic rest of the week!
Ngā manaakitanga,
Anna Powrie
Welcome to Karaka School
- Lillie F
- Iris M (starting tomorrow)
Celebrating Learning and Achievement
Assembly Certificate Winners 13th March

Notes from the Office
Reading Mileage Help Request
If you are interested in joining our lovely reading mileage group on a voluntary basis (Monday and Wednesday afternoons) please contact Hayley Ballard or the Office.
Photolife - Friday 2nd May - Note change of day
Photolife photos day has now been moved to Friday 2nd May, due to a clash of date with the Peter Pan Production.
If you wish to have a Sibling photo taken, please call into the office to pick up a Sibling Photo Request form - sibling photos will not be taken unless this form is signed.
We are noticing a number of students arriving to school late and also being picked up late. Please be aware that the school hours are 8.45 - 2.45 and the office is open from 8.15am and the office closes at 3.15pm.

Sports Camp 2025
Would your business like to be one of this years sponsors for our Intermediate 2025 sports camp team?
Every year in Term 2, Karaka School take a large number of Intermediate students to sports camp to compete in up to 40 different sports, against other schools for cups.
Your name would appear on the back of their sports camp hoodie, which then becomes part of the Karaka School uniform for the rest of the year.
Please email Kim Sutton if you are interested for your business to be a sponsor in 2025 -
Two tickets are allocated to each family and then on Monday once we know numbers, further tickets will be available to purchase.
PTA News

Uniform Shop
We’d like to add trackpants (with school logo) to the school uniform, available to all ages/sizes. They will be the same ones as the intermediates wear to sports camp. The aim is to reduce the wide mix of trackpants/leggings/tights worn in winter.
They will be $40 each. Sizes 6/8/10/12/14/S/M/L.
Pre-orders (and pre-payment) can be made through Kindo to gauge interest.
Sample sizes have arrived and will be available to try on at the uniform shop on Monday.

Any questions/fundraising ideas or if you require uniform items urgently, you can email the PTA on
The Karaka School PTA account is 12 3031 0851231 00
Updates from the Wider Community

Young at Art Children's Holiday Workshops
Our Young at Art children’s holiday workshops are now released with Papier mache, mixed media and painting. In term 2 we have our regular after school classes and also a special 4x week Drawing short course for Tweens & Teens. Our Adult classes run regularly on Wednesday evenings (6.15pm-7.45pm) & weekends with Resin art and Resin cheeseboards. We will be holding a Mother’s Day Family workshop on Saturday 10th May. For more information or to book please check out: / email: Bookings are essential as places are limited’